Projects in the Product Development Department

Students in Pressalit's Product Development Department

As a stident at Pressalit, you have the opportunity to bridge theory and practice. You will receive sparring and support from an ambitious department of dedicated employees, and they are located in our corporate garage - a space build for innovative research, hacks, prototype building and tests. Our corporate garage in the Product Development Department can give you practical experience and the chance to test out your ideas and concepts on physical products.

We focus on creating the right format and conditions to explore future trends and technologies. Therefore, we aim to create the right environment for your project, so your talent and creativity can help inspire real companies and real people with real challenges.

In brief, it is a forum with room to dream, discuss, fail, prototype, test, fail, correct, try again and learn from it. We can support students by facilitating brain storms and ideation sessions, mentoring sessions and workshops with relevant colleagues and users, prototype implementation, field testing and user-validation.

Pressalit has many years' experience with interns from various academic institutions. We have solid foundation to offer students a professional and inspirational platform - and as thesis or project student here, you also have the chance to grow your network and engage with the other students at Pressalit.

Pressalit's HR-department also offers students professional and tailored career-guidance, which can help you learn, where you want to go with your future career.

If you're interested in the above, please contact Senior Project Manager, Vibeke Sanggaard Sørensen ( eller 2777 7589), or Product Development Director, Holger Søe Plousgaard ( eller 2777 7613).